God’s love has come down to earth in human existence God is love or love is God!

Written by: Zafar Iqbal Zafar Raiwand
If you look at the existence of the earth from above, it seems that it is a prison and man is living like a prisoner in it. It has not been created. No, this world is accepting its mood. It seems to be living in an Ashraf Al-Maqam like the Ashraf al-Makhluqat. The things that happen to it are different from the rest of the creatures, for example, animals sometimes have back pain, headaches, other diseases. No, humans have everything. If we humans were from this earth, then we would have been created according to it. It is not accustomed to the rigors of the earth. It has to struggle so much for sustenance, although for all other animals their food is naturally produced and directly usable wherever they get it. It starts to be eaten directly.Humans have to cultivate it. Don’t feel sadness for which he doesn’t know the reason.

This person suddenly becomes sad. A little unpleasant situation comes to him. He becomes sad. Sadness is his inheritance, the mood of his soul is sad. These are not the signs of this world.
If we are sad in this world, then our Lord, whom we love, is also patient and waiting. By creating innumerable visions between the heavens and the seven earths and between them, the angels of the heavens and all the other creatures of the earth are focused on man. How would he feel if he was sitting with his face turned away? If we fall in love with someone in the world, then neglecting him makes us feel heavy, as if the colors of life have been lost and the hopes of the true love he makes. But if they don’t fulfill it, how will it affect his mood and love? How dear his servants are to him, you can’t even bring him into your illusions. He used to cry all the time for two hundred years, the tears did not dry from his eyes. He did not know how to please God. Adam, who started living in heaven in his lack of knowledge and helplessness, was alone on earth, a sad seeker of God’s pleasure. Looking at the sky while crying, I don’t understand how to pray to my Lord. When Allah saw so helpless and helpless, in view of His love, He secretly uttered the words of repentance on Adam’s chest: O my Friend Adam, celebrate your beloved Lord in this way. Glory be to God, my Lord, give me the pain and also give me the medicine. Seeing the rewards of God’s love, God has created man to sacrifice himself. There was a mistake in front of God. The punishment that fell on Adam (a.s.) was necessary and should be sacrificed for the love of God, who covered the mistakes of the children of Adam (a.s.) and forgave him. The style and the words are also handed over to Adam and the children of Adam. This love is not God. Then God inspired the words on the chest of Adam and made them pay with his tongue in such a way that Adam said, “O my Lord, I have wronged my soul.” If you don’t forgive me, then I will go to the loss. Admit your mistake, fold your hands in repentance, then see that I pour the mercy and kindness of my pleasure into the bowl of your praying hands. He knows that I have Man has been called ignorant and oppressor of his own life, then how can justice and consciousness be taken seriously. Fear of God is not. Love is reliable. Fear should come from those actions that inspire God’s love. Those who have the attitude are in the presence of God while walking. Sheikh Ali Usman Hajwayri was asked why God is not visible. He replied that if God was visible, faith would be forced. The punishment for the sin is not visible anymore and after the sin, he is so happy for the repentant one that he returns the treasures of his infinite mercies. If they made a mistake in front, God hid himself after punishing them. Even today, many sinners of Adam’s children are saved by repenting and reforming before punishment. This is what God wants. God has created the world of wisdom for our own good and success. God is all love. He made the whole universe and became invisible. are
God also loves like humans, but he does not like us, but wants to make us like him, that is, benevolence, goodness, help, reward, mercy, kindness.He wants to bring such morals to his saints so that this person who becomes the love of God has high qualities. Love is based on the characteristics. Humans see appearance and God only sees character. Character is God’s favorite action that God It is God’s desire that I become the first priority of my servant.
That beloved entity hidden in the light of one hundred and forty thousand veils, as we cannot see, why would humans feel imprisoned in the narrow streets of their own thoughts and existence. I say to you that I wish you would give me a special eye just as a dog is given the ability to see devils and a chicken can see angels. I am deprived of the power of but the cup of the heart is filled with the feeling of love. If I cannot see God, what happened to a manifestation of God who burned the mountain?